Non-Business Hours

Non-business hours refer to the time periods during which regular business operations are not typically active. These hours are outside the standard working hours of an organization and often include evening, nights, weekends, or public holidays.

In the non-business hours, you can see the Non-Business Hours Details window which has the following information:

  • Enable: On selecting this, it will activate the Non-business hours (NBH) You can activate the non-business hours by clicking the Toggle icon. 

Note: To deactivate the non-business hours rule, click on the  Toggle icon again. 

  • Subject: In subjects, you can see the subjects mapped to the particular non-business hour. Do note that the subjects mentioned here will ONLY be applicable for alerts being generated on these subjects and NOT in reports. 
  • Name: The name given to the non-business hour rule. 
  • Schedule: A schedule refers to the pre-determined plan that outlines specific activities or events that have taken place during the Non-Business Hours (NBH). In the schedule, you can see the date and time at which the rule has been scheduled in the DD/MM/YY and HH:MM
  • Until: The until time defines the end time for the Non-Business Hours (NBH). It is shown in the DD/MM/YY and HH:MM Do note that the non-business hour will run till one day prior to the date mentioned here i.e. if you add 20 November 2023 as the until date then the non-business hours will be activated till 19 November 2023
  • Owner: In owner, you can see the name of the user who had configured the Non-Business Hours (NBH)
  • Notification Type: Here you can see the new alert actions added for the Non-Business hours.  
  • Action: You can perform the following actions against a non-business hour rule: 
  1. Edit: You can edit the non-business hour rule by clicking on the Edit  icon. On clicking this icon, you will be redirected to the Add Non-Business Hours Rule window where you can perform the edit operation. 
  2. Delete: You can delete an existing Non-Business Hours Rule by clicking on the Delete  icon. 


  • You can also map a report by excluding the Non-Business Hours (NBH) data from two screens, one from the Add Report Screen and one from Report Schedule Screen. In both cases, the non-business hour(s) will be added via the report time period section by selecting the non-business hour rule name. Do note that the subjects mentioned while defining the non-business hour will NOT be applicable in reports. 
  • Click on the Add Non-Business Hour(s) button to access the rule configuration window. 

To configure non-business hour(s), provide the relevant information against the following fields: 

  • Scope: Select the Subject from the Subject Level drop-down e.g.: Tier>Server>Instance. The non-business hours will be applied to alerts generated from the selected subject(s).
  • Schedule: Specifies the frequency with which the non-business hour rule will be applied.  You can apply either a one-time or a recurring schedule for your non-business hours:
  1. One-Time: As the name suggests, a one-time schedule will apply the non-business hour rule for one time ONLY. The following parameters are required to configure a one-time non-business hour.

a: Start From: In this field, you have to define the start date. You can enter the date either manually or by using the calendar option.

b: At: In this field, you need to enter the start time which is the 24-hour time format.

  1. For: In this field, you have to specify the duration for Non-Business Hour(s). If you intend to set Non-Business hours for 9 hours, then you have to input the value of 9 hours in this field. The Non-Business Hours period will conclude after the specified 9 hours have passed.
  2. Time Zone: In this field, you have to select the time zone that will be considered while applying the non-business hours. By default, the time zone will be the same as the system time zone.

Note: TSDB normally uses UTC. But if you pick a different time zone in the user interface, it changes the time to match what you have selected.

  • Recurring: Recurring downtimes are useful for recurring maintenance windows. Set a recurring downtime by entering the start date, time, time zone, repeat, and duration. When a single downtime of a recurring downtime ends, the single downtime is canceled and a new downtime is created with the same constraints and updated start and end times. In this option, you have to select the Time Interval for which you want to repeat the non-business hours.recurring, it contains the following parameters which are listed below:
  1. Start From: This field defines the start date of the Non-Business Hour(s). You can enter the date either manually or by using the calendar option.
  2. At: In this field, you need to enter the start time which is the 24-hour time format.
  3. For: This field defines the duration of the Non-Business Hour(s). If you want to have Non-Business hours for 9 hours, then you have to define 9 hours in this field. After 9 hours, the Non-Business Hour(s) will end.
  4. Time Zone: This field defines the time zone for the Non-Business Hour(s). In this field, you have to select the time zone according to your requirements from the drop-down provided. By default, the time zone will be the same as the system time zone
  5. Repeat Every: This will define the repetitions for the Non-Business Hour(s). In this field, you have to select the number of occurrences (In Days, Weeks, Months, and Years).  The following recurrence options are supported:
  6. Daily: If you select “1 Day”, then the Non-Business Hours (NBH) will be repeated daily. For example: You can select 11/09/2023 in Start From field, 22:00 in At field, and 9 hours in For, then the corresponding result will be displayed as starting from 11/09/2023 on an Everyday basis from 22:00 to 07:00 will act as Non-Business Hours. 
  7. Weekly: If you select “1 Week”, then you will see an extra label “On” where you have selected the Days of Weeks for which you want to apply the Non-Business Hours (NBH). For example: You can select 11/09/2023 in Start From field, 22:00 in At field, and 9 hours in For, then the corresponding result will be displayed as starting from 11/09/2023 for a Weekly basis for selected days from 22:00 to 07:00 will act as Non-Business Hours. 
  8. Monthly: In case you want to define non-business hours for a month, then you need to set “1 Month” in the Repeat Every field, on selecting you will see an extra label “On” where you can select “Date” or “Weekday” for which you want to apply the Non-Business Hours (NBH). In case you select date, you will get two options, Same Date (In this it will consider the user-defined dates i.e: the date which is being selected by the user) and Last Date (In this it will consider the last date of the month) from the drop-down. In case you select Weekday, you will have to select 1st/2nd/3rd/4th or Last (In last you can select the last week of the month) options from the drop-down along with the day of the week. 
  9. Yearly: In case you want to define non-business hours for a month, then you need to set “1 Year” in the Repeat Every field, on selecting you will see an extra label “On” where you can select “Date” or “Weekday” for which you want to apply the Non-Business Hours (NBH). In case you select date, you will get two options, Same Date (In this it will consider the user-defined dates i.e: the date which is being selected by the user) and Last Date (In this it will consider the last date of the year) from the drop-down. In case you select Weekday, you will have to select 1st/2nd/3rd/4th or Last (In last you can select the last week of the year) options from the drop-down along with the day of the week. 
  10. Until: This field defines the end date of the Non-Business Hour(s). In this field, you have to select the end date for the non-business hours by choosing the end date from the calendar. By default, the “No End Date” will be selected in the Until parameter. 



  1. If you want to add a new recurrence rule, you have to click on the Add Recurrence Rule button to add the new rule. 
  2. Once you have selected the until date for the Non-Business Hours, the non-business hours will stop before the mentioned date. 
  • Notification Type: This section allows you to map a new alert notification or action type that will be applied during the non-business hours.  The notification type mentioned here will override the original action/notification type defined in the alert rule for the duration of the non-business hours.
  • For supporting non-business hours on past data in Reports, users can select a past date under the Starting At section. For applying non-business hours on past data in reports, save the rule with the necessary date and map this rule in the report time period section to filter out business hour data in reports. This is not applicable In the case of alerts
  • In For field following options are supported: Minutes, Hours, Days, and Weeks. The default will be Hours.

Schedule Preview

You can also see the preview for the applied schedule time in the Schedule Preview dialog box. You can see the applied schedule time in the Day, DD/MM/YY, HH: MM format.

Note: Notifications during Non-Business Hours (NBH) will be specified in this section. Any actions configured in the field below will be executed based on the defined schedule.


In the Define Action, you can see the following fields which are listed below:

  1. Actions: In action, you have to select pre-defined actions that you want to perform from the corresponding drop-down.  
  2. Send Notification to: In this field, you have to provide the e-mail address of the recipient to whom the notification is to be sent. 
  3. Forward Alert to: In this field, you have to select the alert extension on which the alerts will be forwarded. 


  1. Once you have selected the required action to be performed from the corresponding drop-downs, you have to click on the Add Action button to add the selected action. 
  2. Once you have provided all the fields in the Defined Action section, you have to click on the Save button to save the action. In case you dont want to save the action, you have to click on the Cancel button.


  • Title of the Configuration: In this you can provide the name for the configuration which can be later used in reports configuration. In the Title of the Configuration, you have to provide the Rule Name for the corresponding configuration.

Note: Once you have provided the rule name, you have to click on the Save button to save the name for the rule. In case you don’t want to save the rule name, you have to click on the Cancel button.